Meet the ministry team

Saint John’s is in a period of interregnum awaiting the appointment of a new priest in charge.

Saint John’s is supported by three Readers

Mary Close

I was licensed as a Reader in Portsmouth Cathedral by Bishop Kenneth, in 2000. I became  SubWarden  of Havant Readers and I’m now Secretary to Portsmouth Readers Board.

At St John’s,  I preach and lead services. The role I am ‘happiest’ , and where I believe our Lord means me to be, is when I am in contact with a bereaved family, conducting funerals and all that it involves.

I am a Deanery Synod representative and an Anna Chaplain.

Chris Hollis
I am a Reader licensed to St John’s, the DBS Officer and Champion for the charity Care Home Friends, visiting our local Care Home.

Zoë Skinner

I’ve been a Reader at St John’s since 1998. I particularly enjoy seeing families worshipping Jesus and exploring the Bible together.

one churchwarden,

members of the Parochial Church Council,

Marion Collin

I’m the Electoral Roll Officer, responsible for maintaining the Electoral Roll, its annual update and 6 yearly re-write.

Pam Ewing

I am the PCC Treasurer, responsible for claiming Gift Aid tax rebates from HMRC, and a Deanery Synod representative.

Carol Milford

I am the Parish Safeguarding Officer, Lead on Prayer Ministry and a member of the Pastoral Care Team

Valerie Palmer

I moved to the village with my family in 1993 and have been an active member of the church family in various ways ever since. I have particular interest in Home Groups and encouraging discipleship and study of Scripture. I act as coordinator for the Home Groups which also involves helping to facilitate ‘whole church family’ courses and events. I have a keen interest in encouraging knowledge of and giving to missions overseas, in the UK and locally.  I am the Tearfund representative for the church family.

Chris Powne

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