Charitable giving
The Mission Support Group through the Charitable Giving Committee (CGC) continues to support worthy Christian charities at home and abroad. The CGC supports the probity of the PCC by ensuring that monies are given in line with strict legal requirements and it checks that our charities are Christian, registered with the Charities Commission, and remain in good standing.
The CGC aims to support charities with which have a local link, or employs volunteers from our Church Family. The PCC also makes direct donations in response to specific requests and endeavours to allocate approximately 10% of its income to our giving mission.
The CGC has reviewed the list of charities and reduced the number to reflect the decrease in funding. The following causes received contributions totalling £7,471.00
St John’s acts as an agent for other charities, including giving 50% of donations from special services like Baptisms to charities and collecting money and non-monetary donations for popular charities throughout the year; these include the Christian Aid, The Royal British Legion, Tear Fund, Samaritan’s Purse Shoe Box Appeal, and the Children’s Society through our Christingle service.